WBR is a BACnet routerdesigned for wide range of building automation and guest room management system tasks with the additional BACnet/Modbus bridge functionality. Furthermore, this device contains application layer with compact SQL database, accessible through a web service. Configuration is done through web interface or the USB port. BACnet routing is established through the Ethernet port and four RS485 ports. Each serial port can be used as BACnet MSTP or Modbus serial port. Up to 32 of Bacnet/IP and Modbus/IP layers are supported through one Ethernet physical layer. Routing table is flexible and may contain up to 65533 entries. Both serial (RTU and ASCII) and IP Modbus are supported.
BACnet application layer supports the following standard BACnet objects:
- Device
- Analog Input, Analog Output, Analog Value
- Binary Input, Binary Output, Binary Value
- Multi -State Input, Multi -State Output and Multi -State Value
- File
- Additional BACnet objects by software updates
Modbus application layer supports the following functions:
- Read Coils, Read Discrete Inputs
- Read Holding Registers, Read Input Registers
- Write Single Coil, Write Single Register
- Write Multiple Coils, Write Multiple Registers
- Read File Record, Write File Record
BACnet Modbus Gateway Functionality
Modbus is an older communication protocol, still used in a wide variety of devices and systems. WBR offer simple interface for defining mappings of Modbus devices and data points to BACnet devices and objects. Those mappings can be easily copied to other WBRs, which streamlines system integration. All standard Modbus data types are supported.