The Xoran Mini-Cat

Xoran Technologies LLC was founded in 2001 by two research scientists from the University of Michigan with the goal of developing common sense, innovative technologies that enable physicians to treat their patients more efficiently and effectively. Xoran’s vision is to improve patient care by delivering innovative CT imaging solutions for instant diagnosis at the patients’ point of care. They are committed to offering CT imaging that provides a convenient and simple solution for both pa-tients and doctors. Xoran is devoted to meet the needs of today’s physicians and aid them in providing an accurate diagnosis using the low radiation dose scanners.

Xoran MiniCAT IQ - a compact, upright volume computed tomography system designed for high-resolution bone window imaging of the sinuses, temporal bones and skull base. It is IGS-compatible and provides immediate access to images at the patient’s point-of-care, re-sulting in a faster diagnosis and treatment.